Distinctive Wood Products Inc.

Dovetail Drawer and Accessory Order/Quote Form

Fill out this form and bookmark it to your browser to use for future orders! If you close the browser window before completing the order entry, your information will be saved until the order is submitted, or you click the "Reset Order" button.

Company Information

${ vCompany }

${ vContact }

${ vEmail }

${ vNew }

Order Information

${ vOrderType }

${ vPONumber }

${ vShipped }

${ vSlideModel }

${ vSlideNotch }

${ vLockingDevices }

${ vMeasurement }

${ vDrawerWidth }

${ vMaterial }

Form will only process PDFs. Max 8MB.

Order Details
Please separate out drawers and their required accessories onto multiple lines.
Qty Type Width ICW Depth Height Label
Custom Manufacturing

"Submit Order" will appear when all required fields are filled out.
Thank you. Successfully submitted.
Your request has been emailed to us and will be processed as soon as we are able.